Short-term Consultant for Scan Study on Ethiopia’s Heavy Construction Machinery Maintenance Service 123 views

Consultant for Scan Study on Ethiopia’s Heavy Construction Machinery
Maintenance Service Providers 


Systems for Growth (MS4G) is a USAID-funded program that supports private enterprise expansion to help
drive Ethiopia’s future economic growth and prosperity. MS4G intends to foster
enterprise-driven growth, especially among private enterprises that have high
growth potential and the capacity to catalyze job creation throughout market
systems. In addition, MS4G also improves the business-enabling environment
through technical assistance, institutional development, capacity building, and
support for commercial, legal, and regulatory reform.

Proposed Study on Ethiopia’s Heavy Construction
Machinery Maintenance Service Providers

Among the major mandates of the MS4G project is
to facilitate and advocate for increased private sector investments in Ethiopia.  In this connection, MS4G’s implementing
partner in Ethiopia, Palladium, is reviewing the availability of existing Heavy
Construction Machinery Maintenance companies, which are registered in Ethiopia.
The rapid study is expected to provide a review of the current landscape of the
industry, number of licensed heavy machinery maintenance businesses, and an
assessment of the available technology and services that are being provided.  In addition, the study will also incorporate
an interview of Heavy Construction Machinery in order to determine the
existence of service providers, whether the interviewee’s use OEM licensed service
providers, and challenges they have faced to maintain their machinery.

Key Responsibilities

The short-term
consultant will be responsible for the planning and preparation of the report
on Ethiopia’s Heavy Construction Machinery Maintenance Service Providers. The
assignment is expected to take up to 15 days and include primary research (data
collection, survey work, interviews with sector players), and the conceptual framing
of topics and issues for the drafting of the final report. The consultant must
be based in Addis; there is no international travel budget for this position.  

Minimum Qualifications of Consultant

Education and Experience:

At least seven years (for Bachelor’s) or five years (for Master’s) of combined professional work experience in either one or more of the following: experience analyzing and researching industry reports and policy
Experience and evidence of successfully implementing similar assessment studies including surveying and interviewing key industry informants and government officials
Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work on a multi-partner team
Strong ability to communicate effectively and professionally in English
Scope of Work and Methodology

The consultant
is expected to:

Conduct primary research work—through direct interviews, data collection, and possible survey work—on various aspects and sub-segments of Ethiopia’s Heavy Construction Machinery Maintenance Industry.
Develop a list of currently active and operational companies in the referenced industry including profiles of capacity, technology, and types of machineries they maintain and service
Provide support for validation, dissemination, and publication activities as needed.


Days 1-2: Finalize overall structure, approach, contents, framework for study
Days 2-10: Undertake primary research via industry interviews, data collection, and survey
Days 10-12: Prepare initial draft, including key tables, estimates, projections, and preliminary conclusions.
Days 12-14: Incorporate comments/feedback from reviewers and revise as needed.
Days 14-15: Finalize study and prepare final report.


The assignment
will run from approximately from March 18, 2021 (the expected start date) to April
8, 2021. A 15-day period is anticipated, but this may be extended slightly if
required to complete all study activities.


The consultant
will report to the relevant Directors at the Palladium—Ethiopia Office.

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