EpiC Consultancy for Social Contracting of HIV/AIDS related Community-level Social Services 240 views

EpiC Consultancy for Social Contracting of HIV/AIDS related Community-level Social Services, Tajikistan

EpiC Central Asia Region Project Description:

Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) is a five-year global project funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). FHI360 is the prime contractor, Palladium and Gobee are subcontractors on the project. EpiC is dedicated to achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control and the project provides strategic technical assistance (TA) and direct service delivery (DSD) to break through barriers to 95-95-95 and promote self-reliant management of national HIV programs by improving HIV case-finding, prevention, and treatment programming. FHI 360 through EpiC is launching a new multi-year project in Central Asia which will be implemented in Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Palladium, a sub-partner on the EpiC project, will provide HIV financing and policy support to the regional project.


Period of Consultancy: June 1, 2021 – September 15, 2021


Job Description

Palladium is seeking a consultant in Tajikistan to support the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to review and update standards for HIV/AIDS related community-level social services, to improve the process of social contracting tenders to accommodate HIV related services, and to support advocacy for the inclusion of community-level HIV services into the budget planning process within the health and social protection sectors. This consultant, in coordination with the EpiC Regional Policy and Finance Advice is expected to liaise between EpiC, Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MOHSP), members of the technical working group(TWG) on the implementation of the Social contracting Action Plan, and other stakeholders. The main objective of this consultancy is advance steps to prepare Tajikistan for social contracting of HIV community services provided by CBOs.


Based on the overall vision of EpiC project, the consultant is expected to do the following in the first phase of this work:

·       Develop a list of potential social services or community-based social services related to HIV which can be provided by CBOs in collaboration with members of the technical working group (TWG) on the implementation of the Social contracting Action Plan and Implementing Partners.

·       Conduct a desk review of the existing list of social services currently eligible for social contracting tenders and the related social service standards to determine which HIV related community-based social services are/are not included.  

·       Develop and receive agreement amongst stakeholders on the list of services which need to be added to the social services eligible for social contracting tenders.  

·       Based on the approved list of services, draft an outline of standards for HIV social and community-based services with inputs from relevant stakeholders.

·       Assisting the MOHSP and/or TWG in preparation of the draft MOHSP order for the approval of the standards of services for HIV related social services

·       Participation in the TWG meeting and presentation of the draft document related to the standards of services

Depending on successful completion of this scope of work, an amendment to the consultant agreement will be developed to cover the next steps of this work.


Payments will be made according to the completion and acceptance of the following deliverables.


Due Date (on or about)

List of social services or community-based services related to HIV which currently are and/or can be provided by CBOs. If any meetings are conducted, submission of agendas, participant list, brief report (2-4 pages) and any presentations or materials is required.

June 23, 2021

Summary report on the desk review of the existing list of social services currently eligible for social contracting tenders and the related social service standards to determine which community-based services for HIV are/are not included with recommendations for an updated list

July 9, 2021

Approved list of HIV services which need to be added to the social services eligible for social contracting tenders, including consultations with key stakeholders

August 11, 2021

Draft an outline for standards for HIV social and community-based services with inputs from relevant stakeholders. If any meetings are conducted, submission of agendas, participant list, brief report (2-4 pages) and any presentations or materials is required.

August 28, 2021

Total amount for first phase of work



Minimum qualifications

·       Advanced degree related to public health

·       Extensive experience in working with MOHSP, RAC, CBO services, and other HIV stakeholders in Tajikistan

·       Knowledge of the social contracting tender process of the MOHSP and related standards

·       Experience in facilitating technical meetings and inputs from a range of stakeholders

·       Proven experience in drafting government documents.  

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