EpiC Consultancy for HIV CBO Services in Health Insurance Fund, Kyrgyzstan 228 views

EpiC Consultancy for HIV CBO Services in Health Insurance Fund, Kyrgyzstan

EpiC Central Asia Region Project Description:

Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) is a five-year global project funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). FHI360 is the prime contractor, Palladium and Gobee are subcontractors on the project. EpiC is dedicated to achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control and the project provides strategic technical assistance (TA) and direct service delivery (DSD) to break through barriers to 95-95-95 and promote self-reliant management of national HIV programs by improving HIV case-finding, prevention, and treatment programming. FHI 360 through EpiC is launching a new multi-year project in Central Asia which will be implemented in Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Palladium, a sub-partner on the EpiC project, will provide HIV financing and policy support to the regional project.


Dates of consultancy: June 15, 2021 to September 15, 2021


Job Description

Palladium is seeking a consultant in Kyrgyzstan to support the government of Kyrgyzstan to develop a roadmap for incorporating Community Based Organization (CBO) services for HIV into the mandatory health insurance scheme. This consultant will be the main point of contact between the EpiC, Republic AIDS Center (RAC), Ministry of Health and Social Development (MoHaSD), Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF), CBOs, and other stakeholders. The main objective of this consultancy is ensuring the development of a roadmap which outlines key steps to address policy barriers to incorporating CBO services for HIV into the mandatory health insurance scheme.


Based on the overall vision of EpiC project for the CBO HIV Services Insurance Roadmap, the consultant is expected to do the following:

1.      Analyze the policy environment to identify gaps and barriers to fund community-based HIV services through MHIF, including desk review of current laws and policies, interviews with key informants and stakeholders (government and CBO), and review of structure of the mandatory health insurance fund.  

2.     Based on gaps and barriers identified to lead the development of a draft Roadmap, beginning with a meeting with stakeholders to present findings from the analysis and discuss potential key steps and activities in the roadmap.  Use findings from the meeting to develop a draft of the Roadmap.

3.      Conduct short meeting to present the draft Roadmap to the MoHaSD, the MHIF, RAC and other stakeholders and distribute for comments and revisions.  Collect feedback and revision suggestions.

4.      Finalize the draft Roadmap incorporating revisions and feedback from stakeholders.

 5.      Submit the final draft of the roadmap to the MoHaSD and the MHIF for approval.




Payments will be made according to the completion and acceptance of the following deliverables.


Due Date (on or about)

Short report (up to 10 pages) to summarize the analysis of the policy environment. The report should outline gaps and barriers to fund community-based HIV services through MHIF and provide recommendations.

June 25, 2021

Completed meeting(s) with stakeholders to present results of analysis of policy environment and discuss key inputs into the roadmap.Completed meeting includes submission of agenda, participant list, presentations, other materials, and short report (2-4 pages) on the meeting.

July 9, 2021

Develop draft Roadmap (format will be provided, but will include introduction/background, summary of analysis, and key steps in the roadmap)

July 30, 2021

Completed meeting(s) with stakeholders to present the draft roadmap and receive feedback and comments. Completed meeting includes submission of agenda, participant list, presentations, other materials, and short report (2-4 pages) on the meeting.

August 27, 2021

Revised and finalized draft of the Roadmap submitted to the MoH and the MHIF for approval.

September 10, 2021


Minimum qualifications

·       Advanced degree related to public health or law degree with experience in health-related legislation

·       Extensive experience in working with RAC, CBO services, and other HIV stakeholders in Kyrgyzstan

·       Familiarity with Mandatory Health Insurance Fund

·       Experience in facilitating technical meetings with a range of stakeholders

·       Proven experience in drafting government documents.

Must speak Russian and Kyrgyz 

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