Digital Economy Advisor 34 views

Digital Economy Advisor
Company Overview:
Palladium is a global leader in the design, development and delivery of Positive Impact – the intentional creation of enduring social and economic value. We work with foundations, investors, governments, corporations, communities and civil society to formulate strategies and implement solutions that generate lasting social, environmental and financial benefits.

For the past 50 years, we have been making Positive Impact possible. With a team of more than 2,500 employees operating in 90 plus countries and a global network of more than 35,000 technical experts, Palladium has improved – and is committed to continuing to improve – economies, societies and most importantly, people’s lives.

Palladium is a child-safe organisation, and screens applicants for suitability to work with children. We also provide equal employment to all participants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, veteran or marital status.
Project Overview and Role:
CATALYZE is a $250 million 5 to 8-year program, designed to catalyze $2 billion in private capital, especially to underfinanced social sectors (such as education) and higher risk countries (especially low-income and post-conflict countries) around the globe, complemented by a cross-cutting inclusion of gender-lens investing. CATALYZE will provide services to many missions and bureaus that “buy in” to tap the CATALYZE investment and pay-for-results project management expertise. Our aim is for investors to explore and find commercially viable opportunities and approaches to creating jobs, developing sustainable social services, tightening and rationalizing supply chains, and advancing inclusive growth.

CATALYZE: Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) will drive private enterprise expansion to catalyze Ethiopia’s future economic growth and prosperity. MS4G intends to foster enterprise-driven growth, especially among private enterprises that have high growth potential and the capacity to catalyze job creation throughout market systems. MS4G will address systemic challenges, including building business development services capacity, creating a more conducive business environment, building the financial sector infrastructure and capability within private finance providers, and expanding the digital economy. MS4G will catalyze private sector growth by improving access to finance and facilitating transactions through targeted interventions across market systems (demand, supply, and enabling environment). Expanded access to finance will also drive change across the market system by increasing business revenue and necessitating job creation. The program has an estimated life of project funding of $55 million and is anticipated to operate for five years.

While focus sectors will be finalized in collaboration with USAID during the inception phase, it is anticipated that they could include agribusiness, light manufacturing, and telecommunications & ICT (including fintech). Across all initiatives, there will be a cross-cutting focus on women and youth, as well as a focus on ensuring that disparate ethnic groups and regions equitably benefit from the interventions.

The Digital Economy Advisor will support the Investment Manager by providing technical input to MS4G. This individual must be based in Addis Ababa to contribute to building the investment and trade pipeline and collaborate with other USAID/Ethiopia projects, private sector stakeholders, and the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) to achieve the expected results.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
Expected Outcomes
The Digital Economy Advisor will lead assessing and advancing Ethiopia’s evolving digital ecosystem; support applications to digital finance; advise with the MS4G team to integrate digital technology into the project in a manner consistent with best practices of digital finance. Expected outcomes under this objective include:
Advance the digital economy to support business expansion and job growth
Lead development of sustainable platforms for creating a consultative ICT council
Enhance policy and regulatory capacity to enable growth of the digital economy
Key Responsibilities
This role reports to the Investment Manager. The position significant technical knowledge of digital finance, strong coordination skills, experience in Ethiopia, and the ability to ensure coherence and consistency while under urgent deadlines.
Strengthen women’s economic empowerment through enhanced digital access and enhance digital access to strengthen women’s economic empowerment
Build, support, and close deals that develop digital solutions and digital financial tools across the Ethiopian economy
Collaborate with incubators, accelerators, and angel investor networks to identify opportunities to serve small, growing businesses
Assess and identify opportunities for growth and job creation in ICT, infrastructure, digital payment systems, telemedicine, e-commerce, online learning, and telecommunications
Lead efforts to create a sustainable and collaborative ICT council and/or trade associations
Engage stakeholders to identify areas of policy enhancement in the digital space including regulations, governance models, and services and applications that contribute to increased economic productivity
Strengthen the digital and digital finance ecosystem, particularly for women, to catalyze market engagement across the economy
Enhance rural access to the digital economy and through the digital economy to sectors including agriculture, services, and light manufacturing.
Required Qualifications:
Significant professional experience developing and leading digital innovation
Experience supporting or leading similar digital economy innovation and expansion activities in Ethiopia
Demonstrated experiences in: (i) ICT sector trends; (ii) digital business models; (iii) strategic regulation and public policy; (iii) practical development of the digital economy; and (vi) understanding of the Digital Economy Strategy of the Ethiopian
Evidence of strong interpersonal and written communications skills
Deep knowledge of finance, private enterprise, investment, trade, and digital economy in Ethiopia
Strong ability to communicate effectively and professionally in English and local language(s)

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