Capacity Strengthening Advisor 44 views

Capacity Strengthening Advisor
NPI EXPAND – Senegal
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Company Overview
About Palladium – Palladium is a global leader in the design, development and delivery of Positive Impact – the intentional creation of enduring social and economic value. We work with governments, businesses, and investors to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. With a team of more than 3,000 employees operating in 90 plus countries and a global network of over 35,000 experts, we help improve economies, societies and, most importantly, people’s lives.
Project Overview and Role
New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) EXPAND

The New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) Expanding Health Partnerships (NPI EXPAND) project is a global five-year (2019-2024) U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funded project that supports locally driven efforts to increase the availability and utilization of high-quality health services. In line with USAID’s localization agenda, NPI EXPAND invests in new and underutilized local partners (NUPs) and strengthens their capacity to strategize, plan, and implement programs with USAID funds. Enhanced participation of capable local organizations to increase demand for and to deliver high-quality, high impact services will enable governments to meet crucial goals equitably and sustainably. NPI EXPAND also catalyzes opportunities to scale up innovative interventions by strengthening the capacity of NUPs with varying levels of capabilities and exposure to USAID.

Overview of the Project in Senegal
The government of Senegal and its financial and technical partners have invested heavily in a health systems strategy that includes health financing that promotes universal health coverage through a combination of free public services, community-based health insurance schemes, and targeted subsidies to vulnerable groups. The health systems approach acknowledges and supports the important role that community structures and community workers play in health system governance, community mobilization and primary care.
The health development objective of improved health status of the Senegalese population is supported by three intermediate results:
IR1- Strengthened systems
IR2- Increased access to services
IR3- Improved quality of services
IR4 – Increased participation by communities and other stakeholders
With guidance provided by USAID Senegal, NPI EXPAND has prepared this work plan to directly support these results and the following specific intermediate results:
2.: Increased availability of quality private sector service delivery points and products
4.2: Increased adoption of healthy behaviors
4.1: Increased community involvement in health systems management
To achieve the results, the NPI EXPAND Senegal Program is focused on strengthening the capacity of established local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) which qualify as new and underutilized partners (NUPs) according to the NPI definition. NPI EXPAND will provide technical and organizational support to them so they can become more reliable and sustainable implementing partners of USAID Senegal, the government of Senegal and other stakeholders. Depending on the progress of the NUPs over the period of engagement and USAID Senegal’s priorities, NPI EXPAND may help these organizations to become prime recipients of USAID funding.

Position Description
The Capacity Strengthening Advisor will provide support, advice, and oversight on NPI EXPAND Senegal’s capacity development support to local implementing partners. The support will comprise facilitating organizational and technical capacity assessments, preparing capacity strengthening and organizational transformational plans, directly implementing some of the capacity strengthening activities, and overseeing the implementation of capacity strengthening activities by consultants, monitoring and reporting improvements in organizational capacity and performance over time. This position will report to the Senegal Country Programs Director based in Dakar, and will work collaboratively with the NPI EXPAND Senegal MEL and the Capacity Development Director based in Nairobi, Kenya.
Duties and Responsibilities
Specifically, the Capacity Strengthening Advisor will be responsible for the following tasks:
Facilitate baseline capacity assessments to identify and prioritize capacity needs and co-develop capacity strengthening action plans with sub-awardees.
Collaborate with MEL staff to set capacity strengthening indicators and monitor changes in the capacity and performance of the organizations over time.
Collaborate with the Country Staff and NPI EXPAND’s Project Management Unit to recruit consultants and firms to provide capacity strengthening services.
Supervise consultants and firms providing capacity strengthening services to ensure quality services and contractual deliverables.
Directly support various capacity strengthening activities for CSOs in the NPI EXPAND-Senegal project.
Support the implementation of effective, innovative capacity strengthening approaches, tools, and methodologies for grantees.
Ensure that capacity strengthening approaches lead to performance change; troubleshoot and advise or provide guidance as needed to help ensure project goals and objectives are achieved in a timely manner.
Contribute to the development of high-quality, standardized, capacity strengthening materials for use and adaptation across NPI EXPAND project.
Document best practices on designing capacity strengthening interventions, methodologies, and performance measurements.
Contribute to knowledge building and sharing by participating in local, national, and international fora and events including social media, webinars, conferences, and meetings.
Contribute to the preparation of NPI EXPAND’s annual workplan, progress reports, and other technical write-ups, including capacity strengthening case studies and success stories.
Review concept notes or proposals for identifying up to two CSOs with a fair capacity to be a centre of excellence for strengthening the capacity of other locally established organizations or CSOs.
Contribute to new business development and proposal writing, as requested.
Other duties as assigned under the NPI EXPAND project.
Period and Location of Performance
Period of performance is one (1) year, from October 1, 2022- September 30, 2023, with the possibility of extension. Location for this engagement is Dakar, Senegal. Only Senegalese nationals currently residing in Senegal will be considered for this position.
Required Qualifications and Experience
Minimum of first degree in international development, program management, social Science, or other relevant field from an accredited institution.
Master’s degree is preferred.
At least 5 years of relevant, demonstrated experience in designing and implementing capacity strengthening activities.
At least 5 years of experience conducting organizational capacity assessments and supporting organizations with various levels of performance to create and drive capacity strengthening and performance improvement plans.
Experience working in Family Planning/Reproductive Health or Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health.
In-depth knowledge of best practices in sustainable capacity development design, methodologies and performance measurement.
Excellent process facilitation skills, with an ability to design and implement skills-building workshops and other capacity strengthening approaches for a diverse audience.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Strong interpersonal and collaborative skills. Experience working with diverse and multicultural teams necessary.
Experience working on USAID-funded projects is highly desired.
Written and spoken fluency in English is recommended.
Instructions for the applicant
If you are interested, please submit your CV with a cover letter no later than September 13, 2022.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion – Palladium is committed to embedding equity, diversity, and inclusion into everything we do. We welcome applications from all sections of society and actively encourage diversity to drive innovation, creativity, success and good practice. We positively welcome and seek to ensure we achieve diversity in our workforce; and that all job applicants and employees receive equal and fair treatment regardless of their background or personal characteristics. These include: (but are not limited to) socio-economic background, age, race, gender identity and expression, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, veteran, marital or Indigenous status.
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Conseiller en renforcement des capacités
NPI EXPAND – Sénégal
Aperçu de l’entreprise
À propos de Palladium – Palladium est leader mondial dans la conception, le développement et la mise en œuvre de l’impact positif – la création intentionnelle d’une valeur sociale et économique durable. Nous travaillons avec des gouvernements, des entreprises et des investisseurs pour résoudre les défis les plus urgents du monde. Avec une équipe de plus de 3 000 employés opérant dans plus de 90 pays et un réseau mondial de plus de 35 000 experts, nous contribuons à améliorer les économies, les sociétés et, surtout, la vie des populations.
Aperçu du projet et du poste
New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) EXPAND
Le projet Expanding Health Partnerships (NPI EXPAND) de l’Initiative pour de nouveaux partenariats (NPI) est un projet mondial quinquennal (2019-2024) financé par l’Agence américaine pour le développement international (USAID) qui soutient les efforts menés localement pour accroître la disponibilité et l’utilisation de services de santé de haute qualité. Conformément au programme de localisation de l’USAID, NPI EXPAND investit dans des partenaires locaux nouveaux et sous-utilisés (NUP) et renforce leur capacité à élaborer des stratégies, à planifier et à mettre en œuvre des programmes avec des fonds de l’USAID. La participation accrue d’organisations locales capables d’augmenter la demande et de fournir des services de haute qualité et à fort impact permettra aux gouvernements d’atteindre des objectifs cruciaux de manière équitable et durable. NPI EXPAND catalyse également les opportunités d’étendre les interventions innovantes en renforçant les capacités des NUP avec des niveaux variables de capacités et d’exposition à l’USAID.

Aperçu du projet au Sénégal
Le gouvernement du Sénégal et ses partenaires financiers et techniques ont beaucoup investi dans une stratégie de systèmes de santé qui comprend un financement de la santé favorisant une couverture sanitaire universelle par une combinaison de services publics gratuits, de régimes d’assurance maladie communautaires et de subventions ciblées sur les groupes vulnérables. L’approche des systèmes de santé reconnaît et soutient le rôle important que les structures et les travailleurs communautaires jouent dans la gouvernance du système de santé, la mobilisation communautaire et les soins primaires.
L’objectif de développement sanitaire d’amélioration de l’état de santé de la population sénégalaise est soutenu par trois résultats intermédiaires :
IR1- Systèmes renforcés
IR2- Accès accru aux services
IR3- Amélioration de la qualité des services
IR4 – Participation accrue des communautés et des autres parties prenantes
Avec les conseils de l’USAID Sénégal, NPI EXPAND a préparé ce plan de travail pour soutenir directement ces résultats et les résultats intermédiaires spécifiques suivants :
2.: Disponibilité accrue de points de prestation de services et de produits de qualité du secteur privé
4.2 : Adoption accrue de comportements sains
4.1 : Participation accrue de la communauté à la gestion des systèmes de santé
Pour atteindre les résultats, le programme NPI EXPAND Sénégal est axé sur le renforcement des capacités des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) locales établies qui sont qualifiées de partenaires nouveaux et sous-utilisés (NUP) selon la définition du NPI. NPI EXPAND leur fournira un soutien technique et organisationnel afin qu’elles puissent devenir des partenaires de mise en œuvre plus fiables et durables de l’USAID Sénégal, du gouvernement du Sénégal et d’autres parties prenantes. En fonction des progrès réalisés par les NUP au cours de la période d’engagement et des priorités de l’USAID Sénégal, le NPI EXPAND peut aider ces organisations à devenir les principaux bénéficiaires des financements de l’USAID.

Description du poste
Le conseiller en renforcement des capacités fournira un soutien, des conseils et une supervision du soutien au renforcement des capacités de l’IPV EXPAND Sénégal aux partenaires locaux de mise en œuvre. Ce soutien comprendra la facilitation des évaluations des capacités organisationnelles et techniques, la préparation de plans de

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